Got Some Challenging Parents?

business growth business owner teacher tutoring business Jul 20, 2023

As much as we do for our students and parents, it's unfortunate (but likely) that at some point in your business, you will come across a parent who isn't happy with something you've done or haven't done.

It might be a change you have implemented, a mistake you have made, or maybe they are just be in a bad mood and take it out on you. Either way, it's not ideal, so I wanted to share five simple tips to help you navigate such situations:

1. Effective Communication

Maintain open and frequent communication with parents. Listen attentively to their concerns, acknowledge their perspective, and respond respectfully. Clear communication can help build trust and alleviate misunderstandings.

2. Set Expectations

Clearly outline your tutoring policies, including scheduling, fees and cancellation policies, before starting the student's tutoring sessions. Ensure that both you and the parent understands and agrees to these expectations. This helps to prevent conflicts later on.

3. Focus on the Student's Progress

Emphasise the positive aspects of the student's progress and achievements. Regularly provide feedback to parents about their child's development. By highlighting the student's successes, you can help alleviate any potential concerns or frustrations from parents.

4. Offer Solutions

If a parent expresses a concern or raises an issue, approach it as an opportunity to find a solution. Being proactive in finding solutions shows your commitment to the student's success (and parent's concerns) and can help diffuse tensions.

5. Maintain Professionalism

Always maintain a professional demeanour when interacting with parents, regardless of any challenges that may arise. Be respectful, patient, and understanding. Avoid taking criticisms personally, and instead, focus on finding ways to improve and provide the best possible tutoring experience.


If you have had to deal with challenging parents or had a situation where you were on the receiving end of some criticism or negative feedback, I'd love to hear from you. How did you handle it?



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