Groups Will Change Your Business

business growth business owner tutoring business Mar 25, 2022

Let’s think about this for a minute… you’ve started your tutoring business, you’ve built an amazing brand and your reputation is spreading far and wide!  You're doing pretty well.

You're making a decent income and you are teaching outside of the classroom, on your own terms. However, you have gotten to a point where you can no longer take on any new students.  Your time has maxed out! This means that you can't make any more of an impact, you can't help any more families and you can't increase your own revenue.

But what if I told you there was something that you could do about this?  Something that would allow you to make more of an impact AND continue to increase your revenue and the growth of your business?!


Introducing… Groups! 

Now I know that it's something a lot of us are weary of, because in our minds we see tutoring as a one-on-one situation and we don’t want to decrease the quality of our services. I get that.  I felt that way too.

However, if we take into account the experience that we have, working with a whole class and even small groups in the classroom setting, then we know that we can still be extremely effective in these types of situations.  We have done it plenty of times before!  We just have to adjust our thinking and step outside of what we see as 'normal'.  We have to believe in our own capabilities and embrace a growth mindset.

If you offer small group sessions, not only are you able to make more of an impact and increase your business revenue, but you are able to create an environment for children where they are likely to be more engaged, working alongside their peers.  T

here are so many benefits a child gets out of working in a small group and plenty of opportunities to include games and interactive activities that keep the students on task and help to develop a love for learning.  We would be crazy not to consider this as an option.  Yet so many don't.

If you do not offer ‘groups’ as a service in your business, then I challenge you to consider why.  

Is it because you are fearful that your parents will not like the idea? … Have you asked them? 

It may be a more affordable and viable option for them, and something that their children will thoroughly enjoy!

If you have not asked your families and if you have not offered this as an option for them, how do you know how they feel about this type of service?  How do you know how they will react?  How do you know how the students will react?  How do you not know that this service would not be a raging success?!

A group session does not need to be a second-rate service.  You are still providing a high-quality service with the same outcome.  You are still offering experience and passionate tutors.  You are still accessing evidence-based research and programs.  You are still creating an environment for these children, to learn in a way that works for them. You are still providing an environment that feels safe for them and with educators who support them. 

So, if you are currently not offering group sessions of any type, I encourage you to consider this as an option and share it with your current families to gauge their interest. But remember, if you don't believe in this as a high-quality service and a viable option for your families, then they won't either. 


Kirsty Gibbs

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