How to Increase Your Revenue Through Your Previous Clients

increase your revenue retargeting teacher tutoring business Dec 28, 2021

No matter the size of your business, you should never overlook the importance of your previous customers as potential revenue sources.  It is actually often easier to remarket to your past customers than it is to generate and convert brand new leads.  For this reason, we want to make sure that we are actively taking steps to remarket to these people.


Why is it easier to remarket to the ‘old’ rather than convert the ‘new’?

Your previous customers already know exactly who you are, what you do and what impact you can make on their lives.  They understand how you can really make a difference for their child and they know how you work to support them, as parents, along the way.

They have already worked with you, so they will be able to draw on their previous experiences to make their decision, whereas new clients will need to be imagining and predict what your services will be like and what impact they will have and this can make them unsure and uneasy.


But they left… Why would they come back?

There are all sorts of reasons why a client may have left your services, but let’s see how we can flip them…..

When should I remarket?

There are a few times that are ideal times to remarket to your previous clients:

  • Start of the year
  • When report cards come out
  • Parent-teacher interview times
  • The end/beginning of each term 


How Do I Remarket?

The easiest way to remarket to a previous customer is via a clear, concise email with a simple call to action that they can follow.  However, if you don’t have a huge list, a phone call to your previous customers often has a high conversion rate, as you are able to work through any concerns or reservations that they may still have.

The key to retargeting to your previous clients is to show your families that you can still support them and that you are still passionate about seeing their child grow and succeed.  It is extremely helpful to know the reason why they left in the first place and to speak to that reason, so remember to make a note any time a family leaves, as to their reason for leaving.  This will help you immensely when you are remarketing to your previous clients.


Kirsty Gibbs

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